What we do
Kitchen on the Run is the mobile integration incubator from Über den Tellerrand e.V. With our blue kitchen container we carry our idea of an open and diverse society to new places. We promote personal exchange between refugees and locals in order to get to know each other on eye level.
Why we do it
We meet the challenge that refugees and locals rarely meet in everyday life. We see personal contact as the foundation for integration in our society. We give impulses and spread our concept to shape intercultural coexistence in Germany and Europe in the long term.
How we do it
With a kitchen, built into a shipping container, we travel Germany and Europe. In a homelike atmosphere, we organize cooking evenings where refugees and locals can get to know each other at the kitchen table, reveal their favorite recipes, tell personal stories and start friendships.
We believe in people, personal encounters and that good food connects.
We believe in getting to know each other!

loves the dynamics of groups that can be discovered in every corner of our society. She is convinced that diversity is a gift and that we can create great things if all people help to shape social coexistence.
firmly believes that people need to be in contact with each other in order to remain human. Already in 2018, he had the opportunity to be on tour with the Kitchencontainer and witnessed the magic that happens when the most diverse people meet and share their perspectives.
has been spreading her infectious enthusiasm at Über den Tellerrand Berlin for some time now. Whether at the classic encounter cooking or creative workshop formats, Cäthe is a hostess with passion and ensures with her positive charisma that everyone feels comfortable.
always explores new ideas and implements creative meeting formats, first in Frankfurt and Karlsruhe, and now also at the container. He wears his heart on his sleeve and is a very pleasant conversational partner with his open-mindedness. He finds win-win situations for everyone involved.