Vaarwel, Deventer

On June 17th we started cooking in the beautiful city of Deventer. With 100.000 inhabitants it is the smallest city we stopped during our journey. We fell in love with that place, it’s small alleys and it’s bicycle tradition. All in all we had dinner with 494 people there. They came from everywhere in this world – for example, there were guests from Afghanistan, Ethopia, Indonesia, Kongo, Liberia, Palestine and Yemen. Sometimes there were so many, that we have to build a second table outside.


Gaestegroesse Deventer

Next to our container, the city organized a program to support us – with a bouncer castle, one huge football field and a tent, where every night was live music.


We really enjoyed the company of the Team, which was very funny and helpful.

Team Deventer

Once a week we also had lunch with our guests. Together we picked the ingredients in a community garden nearby. Our hosts conjured a curry  and a fresh salad from that. Yammi, that was tasty.

Ernte Deventer

While one group was collecting the vegetables, the other part was creating a mosaic. It was finished at the end of our stay. We are really proud of that little art work.

Mosaik Deventer

Just as in Duisburg we also had a chorus as a guest. They sang and thus shortening the waiting time for the food. Thanks for joining us.

Chor Deventer

At the end of our stay in Deventer we had a picknick, like on every stop. Around 120 people came to say goodbye and have a nice day together. We were lucky with the weather this time – and had a fantastic time  – with delicious food. There was even a DJ who supported with music.

Picknick Deventer

Thank you Deventer for having all these nice evenings with us. Hope to see you again soon!